If you’re an e-commerce business, chances are you’ve asked yourself how to increase the average order value of your online store. After all, it’s one of the most important metrics for determining the health of your business. The good news is, there are a few tried and true methods for growing the average order value of your online store. In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 of the most effective ways to do just that. From upselling and cross-selling to bundling products and more, read on to learn how you can increase the average order value of your online store.

1. Offer free shipping

If you’re not already offering free shipping on your online store, now is the time to start. Offering free shipping is a great way to increase the average order value of your store. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Make sure your free shipping offer is prominent on your website. Place it in a prominent location on your homepage, and make sure it’s clear what the terms and conditions are for qualifying for free shipping.

2. Use marketing channels like email and social media to promote your free shipping offer. Create special campaigns and landing pages dedicated to free shipping, and make sure your target audience knows about it.

3. Free shipping can be a great incentive for customers to sign up for a loyalty or rewards program. If you have such a program in place, make sure customers know that they can get free shipping by signing up.

4. Finally, don’t forget to measure the results of your free shipping campaign so that you can see how it’s impacting your business goals. Track key metrics like conversion rate, average order value, and customer satisfaction levels to ensure that your campaign is successful.

2. Offer discounts and coupons

Many online shoppers are always looking for a good deal, so offering discounts and coupons is a great way to increase the average order value of your store. You can offer discounts for bulk purchases, first-time customers, or even referrals. Coupons are also a great way to encourage customers to spend more at your store. Make sure to advertise your discounts and coupons prominently on your website and in your email marketing campaigns so that customers are aware of them.

3. Upsell and cross-sell products

When it comes to growing the average order value of your online store, upselling and cross-selling products is a great way to do it. By upselling, you can offer customers a higher-priced version of the product they’re already interested in. And by cross-selling, you can offer complementary products that go well with what the customer is already buying.

Both upselling and cross-selling are effective ways to boost the average order value of your store. But how do you know which technique to use? And more importantly, how do you do it without coming across as pushy?

Here are a few tips:

• Find the right balance: Upselling works best when it’s done in moderation. If you constantly try to upsell your customers, they’ll eventually get annoyed and stop doing business with you. So find a happy medium – offer an upsell every now and then, but don’t overdo it.

• Make sure the upsell is relevant: Only offer an upsell if it’s actually relevant to the customer. There’s no point in trying to sell someone a more expensive version of a product they don’t even want.

• Be clear about the benefits: When you do offer an upsell, make sure you clearly explain the benefits of upgrading. Customers need to see why it’s worth spending more money on an upgrade.

4. Offer subscription services

1. Offer subscription services: A great way to increase the average order value of your online store is to offer subscription services. This could include a monthly or quarterly subscription, or even a yearly subscription. By offering these types of services, you can encourage customers to order more frequently, and thus increase your average order value.

5. Use urgency and scarcity tactics

Urgency and scarcity are powerful psychological triggers that can encourage customers to buy more from your online store.

This can be as simple as adding a countdown timer to your product pages or sending out SMS campaigns that highlight limited-time offers.

Urgency and scarcity work best when they’re used sparingly, so be sure not to overuse these tactics or your customers may start to ignore them.


There are a lot of ways to grow the average order value of your e-commerce store, but these five are some of the most effective. If you implement even just a few of these tips, you should see a significant increase in your AOV. And the best part is that none of these require a huge investment of time or money – they’re all relatively easy to implement.